Freeth, D., Hammick, M., Koppel, I., Reeves, S. & Barr, H. al (2002) A Critical review of Evaluations of Interprofessional Education. HEA Health Sciences and Practice, Occasional Paper 2.
This ‘critical review of evaluations of interprofessional education’ is the second of a series of occasional papers commissioned by the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) Centre for Health Sciences…
Read MoreBarr, H., Freeth,D., Hammick, M., Koppel, I. & Reeves, S. (2000) Evaluations of interprofessional education
This Review was commissioned by the British Educational Research Association (BERA) and is being published by the United Kingdom Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) (see Appendices 1…
Read MoreColyer, H., Helme, M. & Jones, I. (2005) The Theory-Practice Relationship in Interprofessional Education, Higher Education Academy,Centre for Health Sciences, Occasional Paper 7
This is the fourth Occasional Paper published by the Centre for Health Sciences and Practice on the topic of interprofessional education, which has been given increasing attention over the last…
Read MoreBarr, H. (Ed) (2007) Piloting interprofessional education- Four English case studies. Higher Education Academy- Health Sciences and Practice Occasional Paper 8
Since around the turn of this 21st century the need for interprofessional education (IPE) in health and social care has been highlighted by the UK government and given prominence in…
Read MoreLauner. J (2018) Narrative-Based Practice in Health and Social Care Conversations Inviting Change, 2nd Edition
Narrative-Based Practice in Health and Social Care outlines a vision of how witnessing narratives, paying attention to them, and developing an ability to question them creatively, can make the person’s…
Read MoreCAIPE Bulletin Nos. 13 (1997) Interprofessional Education: What, How & When?
Hammick, M. & Haig, A. (2007) The Best Evidence Medical Education Collaboration: processes, products and principles.
In this paper the authors describe the development of the Best Evidence Medical Education Collaboration (BEME), an organisation committed to evidence-informed policy and practice in health care sciences education. BEME…
Read MoreCAIPE (2008) [Authored: Low, H. & Barr, H.] Practice Learning for Interprofessional Collaboration- Perspectives from Programmes leading to the Social Work Degree. Report to the Department of Health.
The Department of Health (DH) commissioned the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) in July 2005 to ascertain how higher education institutions (HEIs) in England delivering programmes…
Read MoreCAIPE (2002) Towards A European Approach To An Enhanced Education Of The Health Professions In The 21st Century. Report Of The European Interprofessionals Consultation 1999 – 2001 (Author: Engels, C.)
From the very start this consultation was conceived as merely the first step towards the creation of an informed climate of opinion. The overall aim is to assist in the…
Read MorePollard, K., Rickaby, C. & Miers, M. (2008) Evaluating student learning in an interprofessional curriculum: the relevance of pre-qualifying interprofessional education for future professional practice, Higher Education Academy- Health Sciences and Practice.
The focus of this study was qualified health and social care professionals’ views about their experience of pre-qualifying interprofessional education (IPE). Adult nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, and social workers were interviewed.…
Read MoreLaming, Lord. (2003) The Victoria Climbe Inquiry- Report Of An Inquiry
This report begins and ends with Victoria Climbié. It is right that it should do so. The purpose of this inquiry has been to find out why this once happy,…
Read MoreHammick, M., Freeth, D., Koppel, I., Reeves, S. & Barr, H. (2007) A best evidence systematic review of interprofessional education: BEME Guide no. 9
Evidence to support the proposition that learning together will help practitioners and agencies work better together remains limited and thinly spread. This review identified, collated, analysed and synthesised the best…
Read MoreWHO (2013) Transforming and scaling health professionals’ education and training. World Health Organisation Guidelines.
With this publication, WHO issues its first guidelines for ‘Transforming and Scaling up Health Professionals’ Education and Training’. The guidelines are expected to give rise to regional and country based…
Read MoreDepartment of Health (2008) High Quality Care For All, NHS Next Stage Review Final Report
In previous reviews of the NHS, frontline staff have been on the fringes or bystanders. This Review has been different. We and our colleagues in the NHS have been at its…
Read More(2017) CAIPE Fellows statement on integrative care, Lindqvist, S., Anderson E., Diack, L. & Reeves, S.
The delivery of health and social care is changing both within the UK and internationally referred to as ‘integrated care’ and ‘integrated practice’ (see definitions below). In essence these terms…
Read MoreClouder, L., Daly, G., Adefila, A., Jackson, A., Furlong, J., & Bluteau, P. (2017) An investigation to understand and evaluate the best ways to educate for and promote integrated working across the health and care sectors. Executive Summary. Coventry University and HEE West Midlands
This report sets out the current state of education and training for the promotion of workforce competencies and development required to deliver integrated care across the West Midlands region. The…
Read MoreClouder, L., Daly, G., Adefila, A., Jackson, A., Furlong, J., & Bluteau, P. (2017) An investigation to understand and evaluate the best ways to educate for and promote integrated working across the health and care sectors. Final Report. Coventry University and HEE West Midlands
This report sets out the current state of education and training for the promotion of workforce competencies and deveThis report sets out the current state of education and training for…
Read MoreCockerham, W., Dingwall, R. &. Quah, S., R. (2014) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society
Featuring more than 700 entries across 20 sub-disciplines, this encyclopedia offers the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and international reference work on all aspects of the social scientific study of health and…
Read MoreWatanabe, H. & Koizumi, M. (2010) Advanced Interprofessional Initiatives in Japan- Japan Interprofessional Working & Education Network
Interprofessional education (IPE) is becoming a recognized discipline among health care professionals and medical training institutions worldwide. Its significance is especially felt in Japan, where little has been written on…
Read MoreGoodman, B. & Clemow, R. (2010) Nursing and Collaborative Practice: A guide to interprofessional learning and working
As modern healthcare evolves, it is essential for nurses to understand and work with a diverse range of people to provide quality care. But it is often difficult to grasp…
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