CAIPE publications CAIPE (2013) Introducing Interprofessional Education, (Barr, H. & Low, H.). CAIPE Publications CAIPE (2012) IPE in Pre-registration Courses- CAIPE Guide-for-Commissioners & Regulators of Eduction (Barr,H., Low, H. & Howkins, E.) CAIPE Publications CAIPE (2002) Interprofessional Education- Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow (Barr, H.) Higher Education Academy, Learning & Teaching Support Network for Health Sciences & Practice, Occasional Paper 1 CAIPE Publications CAIPE (1997) Towards Audit and Outcome Evaluation of Interprofessional Education for Collaboration in Primary Health Care. CAIPE Publications CAIPE (1996) Sustaining collaboration between general practitioners and social workers. CAIPE Publications « Previous 1 2 3 Next » LOAD MORE Archived publications Barr, H & Lennox, A (2009) Valedictory Lecture Royal Society of Medicine ‘ Medicine and the Making of Interprofessional Education- A Celebration’ Archived Publications Barr, H. (2013) Toward a theoretical framework for interprofessional education Archived Publications Barr, H. (Ed) (2007) Piloting interprofessional education- Four English case studies. Higher Education Academy- Health Sciences and Practice Occasional Paper 8 Archived Publications Barr, H., Helme, M. & D’Avray, L. (2011) Developing Interprofessional Education in health and social care courses in the United Kingdom. A Progress Report. Higher Education Academy, Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre Occasional Paper 12. Archived Publications CAIPE (1989) Report of a National Survey on Interprofessional Education in Primary Health Care Archived Publications 1 2 3 4 Next » LOAD MORE