CAIPE (1997) Towards Audit and Outcome Evaluation of Interprofessional Education for Collaboration in Primary Health Care.

This discussion paper concentrates on the identification of the aspects that should be considered in the audit (monitoring) and outcome evaluation of a practice-based interprofessional educational initiative which is designed to enhance interprofessional collaboration.

While educational interventions set out to engender change in performance and behaviour, the long-term implementation of such change is largely dependent on the support given by those who can enable the professionals to practice what they have learned. The measurement of change, in terms of acceptability, effectiveness and efficiency (sustainability) will be by comparing performance and behaviour, and the effects of collaboration in terms of perceived satisfaction and in terms of economy of time, effort and resources before the initiative, at the end of the initiative and subsequently.

A discussion of evaluation during and after an educational initiative is followed by summary protocols. The report concludes with a summary of some resources and a selective Bibliography.

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