CAIPE (2014) Review of Interprofessional Education in the United Kingdom, 1997-2013 [In Brief] (Authored by: Barr, H; Helme, M. & D’Avray, L.).

We reviewed the development of pre-qualifying interprofessional education (IPE) in the United Kingdom (UK) from 1997 to 2013 drawing on three sources: the literature, an online survey and reflective accounts by invited teachers with follow-up interviews. Our aim was to understand how prequalifying IPE had developed, celebrate the significant achievements and identify what needed to be done to improve its efficiency and effectiveness set against a changing and complex policy landscape in education, health and social care, and government.

First, we explored significant themes and progress in IPE during the research period from UK documentary sources (Barr, Helme & D’Avray, 2011). Second, we conducted an online survey of all UK universities known to provide pre-qualifying health and social care courses. Third, we invited teachers from selected universities1 to contribute reflective accounts of their experience in initiating and sustaining IPE. Two of the research team then interviewed the authors sometimes with colleagues. We compared and contrasted findings from the three stages of the research.

We acknowledge the limitations of the review within the constraints of the resources on which we had call: its emphases on pre- to the relative exclusion of post-qualifying IPE; on operations rather than outcomes; and on English more than Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish developments without reference to those in Europe and internationally of which they are part.

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