CAIPE (2017) Interprofessional Education Guidelines, (Barr, H., Ford, J., Gray, R., Helme, M., Hutchings, M., Low, H., Machin, A. & Reeves, S.)

These updated guidelines are addressed to organisations responsible for commissioning, developing, delivering, evaluating, regulating and overseeing interprofessional education (IPE) during prequalifying and continuing professional education for health, social care and related fields in the United Kingdom (UK) and beyond. CAIPE commends them to inform consistent policies, practices and procedures within and between those organisations to ensure efficient, effective, economic and expeditious planning and implementation of IPE interventions and strategies.

Grounded in CAIPE’s Statement of Principles (2011) (see Appendix A), they build on:

  • the experience of CAIPE’s members and the interprofessional movement nationally and internationally;
  • findings from the UK IPE review (Barr, Helme & D’Avray, 2011 & 2014);
  • evidence from systematic and scoping reviews;
  • consultations with UK commissioning, regulatory and other standard setting organisations.

We commend this approach to commissioning, regulatory, employing and professional bodies to exploit the interprofessional potential in multiprofessional education. It may often be a more effective, economic and expeditious means to promote CIPD than designing freestanding interprofessional courses from scratch.

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