CAIPE (2021) Interprofessional Education Handbook: For Educators and Practitioners incorporating Integrated Care and Values-based Practice, (Ford, J., Gray, R.)

This Handbook was designed for busy health and social care practitioners with little time to access or read detailed background material.  It focused on helping practitioners develop and implement an IPE event underpinned with relevant theory. Health Education England commissioned CAIPE to evaluate this new IPE Handbook and a series of pilot workshops for practitioners and educators, based on the Handbook and taking into account moves to integrated care.

Click here for a summary of our evaluation.

Possible uses of the Handbook

The handbook can be used as a standalone resource or in conjunction with a workshop based on the Handbook contents. Their purpose is to provide educators and healthcare practitioners with knowledge and skills related to interprofessional education and values-based practice in the workplace, and to facilitate the development of local champions.


Click here for further information about our workshop ‘Supporting Educators and Practitioners in developing and delivering Interprofessional Education for integrated care incorporating Values Based Practice’, (workshop 4 on the list).


The Handbook can be downloaded here:

Download “IPE Handbook - 2021” IPE-Handbook-2021-without-note-pages.pdf – Downloaded 16188 times – 651.72 KB