Department of Health (2007) Executive Summary: The Creating an Interprofessional Workforce- An Education and Training Framework for Health and Social Care.
Creating an Interprofessional Workforce: An Education and Training Framework for Health and Social Care in England is aimed at those planning, delivering and evaluating interprofessional education (IPE), and will be particularly useful to those commissioning and developing programmes of IPE. It is a tool to enable the spreading of good practice in IPE to support effective interprofessional collaboration and improve the quality of care. It also offers guidance to those involved in IPE to develop and enhance their practice.
The Creating an Interprofessional Workforce (CIPW) Framework is the outcome of extensive consultations carried as part of the Creating an Interprofessional Workforce Programme. It has been informed by evidence from research, systematic review and experiences in the area of IPE with Appendix C linking it to Government policy. It represents the culmination of three years work carried out across the health and social care sector and reflects the views of its wide range of participants.
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