Bromage, A., Clouder, L. & Thistlethwaite, J. (Eds) (2010) Interprofessional E-Learning and Collaborative Work: Practices and Technologies
Interprofessional E-Learning and Collaborative Work: Practices and Technologies is therefore, an important source for understanding how interprofessionalism can be promoted and enhanced at various levels in learners’ educational experiences, particularly…
Read MoreClouder, L., (Editor), Broughan, C., Jewell, S. & Steventon, G. (2012) Improving Student Engagement and Development through Assessment: Theory and practice in higher education
With a unique focus on the relationship between assessment and engagement this book explores what works in terms of keeping students on course to succeed. Buy on Amazon
Read MoreLittlechild, B. & Smith, R. (2013) Human Services: Learning to Work Together
A Handbook for Inter-professional Practice in the Human Services: Learning to Work Together is an essential text for all students of inter-professional education, and for practitioners looking to understand and develop better…
Read MoreThomas, J., Pollard, K. & Sellman, D. [Eds] 2nd Ed. (2014) Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care: Professional Perspectives
There will always be a need for professionals to work collaboratively if they are to provide the highest standard of care. Interprofessional working encourages practitioners to understand the roles of…
Read MoreHammick, M., Freeth, D.S., Copperman, J. & Goodsman D. (2009) Being-Interprofessional
Working interprofessionally is an essential part of successful health and social care provision in the twenty–first century. This engaging and easy–to–follow new text highlights the need for collaboration between practitioners…
Read MoreHowkins, E. (2008) Preparing for Interprofessional teaching: Theory and Practice
The book provides a critical exploration of the theory and practice related to teacher preparation for interprofessional learning. It makes an important contribution to the emerging evidence base through an…
Read MoreHarvan, R. A., Jenson, G. M. & Royeen, C. B. (2008) Leadership in Interprofessional Health Education and Practice
The changing landscape of health care continues to grow more diverse. As young health professionals move into clinical practice and face challenging health demands and increasing health care costs, they…
Read MoreCairney, P. (2015) The Politics of Evidence-Based Policy Making
The Politics of Evidence Based Policymaking identifies how to work with policymakers to maximize the use of scientific evidence. Policymakers cannot consider all evidence relevant to policy problems. They use two…
Read MoreCarpenter, J. & Dickinson, H. (2016) Interprofessional Education and Training, 2ndED, Policy Press, Bristol.
This book would appeal to a broad readership. The key audience is likely to be those who are already engaging with IPE in some form: policy-makers, those working within HEIs,…
Read MoreSteinert, Y. (2014) Faculty Development in the Health Professions: A Focus on Research and Practice (Innovation and Change in Professional Education)
17th Feb 2014 by Yvonne Steinert (Editor) This volume addresses all facets of faculty development, including academic and career development, teaching improvement, research capacity building, and leadership development. In addition, it describes…
Read MoreCAIPE (2012) IPE in Pre-registration Courses- CAIPE Guide-for-Commissioners & Regulators of Eduction (Barr,H., Low, H. & Howkins, E.)
This guide is addressed to all those who are responsible in the United Kingdom (UK) for commissioning and regulating interprofessional education (IPE) within and between pre‐ registration professional courses for…
Read MoreCAIPE (2002) Interprofessional Education- Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow (Barr, H.) Higher Education Academy, Learning & Teaching Support Network for Health Sciences & Practice, Occasional Paper 1
The Learning and Teaching Support Network for Health Sciences and Practice commissioned this review from the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) to help teachers to engage…
Read MoreCAIPE (2015) Interprofessional Education- The Genesis of Global Movement (Barr, H.)
Why so many interprofessional education (IPE) initiatives have been reported in so many countries since the 1960s defies easy explanation. Some were responding to needs locally to improve working relations…
Read MoreCAIPE (2003) Author: John Horder. A History of the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education 1987 – 2003.
Focus on Health Professional Education: A multidisciplinary Journal
Focus on Health Professional Education: A multidisciplinary Journal- The official journal of ANZAHPE – the Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professional Educators
Read MoreMedical Teacher
Medical Teacher – An international journal published in the United Kingdom to promote scholarship in medical education carrying some interprofessional articles.
Read MoreMedical Education
Medical Education – An international journal published in the United Kingdom to promote scholarship in medical education carrying some interprofessional articles.
Read MoreJournal of Research in Interprofessional Education
Journal of Research in Interprofessional Education – A Canadian based peer reviewed open access journal that disseminates papers on interprofessional practice, education and research.
Read MoreJournal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions – Published in the United States to promote and develop post-qualifying education carrying some interprofessional articles.
Read MoreJournal of the Allied Health Professions
Journal of the Allied Health Professions – Published in the United States covering education and practice for the allied health professions carrying some interprofessional articles.
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